MHS Baseball Remains Undefeated


Wildcats take two from Harriman to remain undefeated in the season

Grayson Randolph’s HR was the only run needed in Game 1 to win

1  –  0

while Hunter Davis throws a 2 Hit Shut Out!

Stats from MHS Coach

Game 1: Hitting: Grayson Randolph   1 – 2   1R  1RBI  1HR

Pitching: Hunter Davis   5Innings   2H

Game 2: Hitting: Kyle Barrett   2  –  3   1R   2RBI

Mathew Harris   2  –  2   1RBI

Parker Stout    1  –  3   1R  1RBI

Pitching:  Mack Mutchmore    5Innings   1H   6K

Highlights March 30, 2017

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