Middle Schools


Upperman Schools Combine for A Spring Concert

Upperman High School, Upperman Middle School, Cornerstone, and Baxter Primary Chorus present “A Spring Concert” Highlights May 3, 2018 Photos by Lynn Dawson [WPS_photo_slider id=”2057″]

PSMS Spring Band Concert

Prescott South Middle School 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Bands Highlights May 5, 2016 Photos by Melissa Shelton [WPS_photo_slider id=”91″]

PSMS vs AMS Soccer

Prescott South Middle School faces Algood Middle School Soccer March 7, 2016 Highlights [tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”1025″]

PSMS Concert Band Festival

Middle School Division Prescott South Middle School held a festival featuring concert bands from PSMS, ATMS and UMS. Here are highlight of the bands warming…