Email your Halloween costume photos to by 10am on October 27th for a chance to win a $50 gift card!
Make sure you include the name of the person in the photo, their age and a phone number.
**Please note that all entries will be posted to an album on the Upper Cumberland Reporter’s Facebook page for voting. The photo with the most REACTIONS will win.
There are three age divisions: newborn to 4 years, 5 years to 12 years, and 13 years to 17 years. Make sure you say which age division you are entering.
All submissions will be posted in a photo album on the Upper Cumberland Reporter’s Facebook page. The photo for each age division that has the most reactions (LIKE, LOVE, LAUGH, WOW, SAD, ANGRY) will win.
Upper Cumberland Reporter Halloween Costume Contest
October 14th-31st, 2019
Three Winners: One winner from the newborn through 4 year-old division will win a gift card (ARV $50). One winner from the 5-years through 12-years division will win a gift card (ARV $50). One winner from the 13-years through 17-years division will win a gift card (ARV $50).
HOW TO WIN: No purchase necessary. Viewers must email a picture of their Halloween costume to by 10am on October 27, 2019. Please include the name of the person in the photo, their age and your phone number. **All photos will be posted to the Upper Cumberland Reporter’s Facebook page on Sunday, October 27th at 12pm. Followers of the Upper Cumberland Reporter’s Facebook page will then vote for their favorite picture/costume by ‘liking’ whichever one they like the best on Facebook. Deadline for voting will be 11:59pm on Wednesday, October 30, 2019. Winners will be picked on Friday, October 31, 2019.
No prizes will be mailed.
1 Entry per person.
Deadline for entries is 10am on October 27, 2019.
ELIGIBILITY: To win, you must be a legal resident of Tennessee. No employee of Upper Cumberland Reporter (“Company”), their affiliated companies, his or her spouse, or immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of each shall be eligible to win. Immediate family members include, but are not necessarily limited to, parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Additionally, Company reserves the right to disqualify any other person from participation in the Contest where such participation would, in the sole opinion of Company, compromise or give the appearance of compromising the integrity of the Contest. No person shall be eligible to win any contest conducted by the Company more than one time in any sixty-day period.
No responsibility is assumed by the Upper Cumberland Reporter, their respective subsidiaries, parents, partners, or other providers for lost, late, misdirected, or illegible entries or for any computer, online, telephone or technical malfunctions that may occur.
1) The winners consent to the use of their name, likeness and/or voice without further compensation for Company’s advertising, public relations and promotions purposes. By entering Contest, the winner gives Company full rights in perpetuity to distribute their name, likeness and/or voice, in any edited, distorted or altered form executed by Company, on the internet and social media, without any further compensation.
2) Company accepts no responsibility or liability for loss or damage due, in whole or in part, to the awarding, acceptance, possession, use or misuse of prize or from participation in the Contest. Winner must sign a W-9 tax form and an affidavit/waiver that releases Company, their affiliated companies and employees from any and all liability and claims.
3) Prize is non-transferable and non-assignable. Prize can not be substituted for cash value. Company’s decision with regard to all matters relating to Contest, including those matters not specifically addressed in these rules, shall be final. Prize not claimed in accordance with these rules will be forfeited and another winner will be selected.
4) Winners will be notified via email or phone no later than 5pm on November 5th, 2019. Winner must claim prize by 5pm on November 30th, 2019.
5) Apple is not a sponsor nor involved in the activity of the contest in any manner.
Upper Cumberland Reporter
Cookeville, TN 38501