Leading STEM Innovation through Partnership
The Millard Oakley STEM Center is leading the way for mobile STEM Education. We are proud to announce our partnership with the University of Tennessee Space Institute at Tullahoma (UTSI) to bring the STEMmobile to UTSI for their STEM week next summer. In addition to the weeklong celebration of STEM , the Oakley STEM Team will be working closely with UTSI to develop a Lending Library partnership to serve their community of schools.
We also want to acknowledge a second partnership within Tennessee Tech University as we have been working with TTU’s College of Engineering’s Clay N. Hixson Student Success Center. This group of talented young engineers is partnering with us to bring the STEMmobile to high schools. TTU’s College of Engineering Ambassadors lead each activity in a peer-to-peer method of STEM education. This partnership will bring the STEMmobile to ten locations around the state to help promote the great opportunities STEM has to offer young Tennesseans.
Safari Saturdays Money Matters
Investigate basic concepts of earning, wanting, needing, spending, saving, and sharing money. Learn about banks and their various purposes. Saturday, February 20, 2016 from 9 am to 12 pm.
Detective Science
Search for evidence, gather clues, and discover how science can help solve a mystery. From dusting for fingerprints to analyzing handwriting, you will hone your sleuthing skills. Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 9 am to 12 pm.
How to Succeed at the Science & Engineering Fair
It is never too early to start thinking about your Science & Engineering Fair Project. It is our goal to spark the imaginations of young STEM enthusiasts in the Upper Cumberland, and help them achieve their goals through STEM.
If you are interested in attending a Science & Engineering Fair Workshop, we will be offering a one-hour workshop Thursday, February 4 and March 3, 2016 from 4 pm – 5 pm. The workshops will assist in building a successful local fair and provide guidelines to a well-presented project.
62nd Annual Regional Cumberland Plateau Science and Engineering Fair
Springtime is almost here, and with it comes the Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Saturday, March 19, 2016 will be the day we celebrate and enjoy a competition among the Upper Cumberland’s brightest young minds. If you have a talented youngster who has a STEM idea they want to share, please be a part of this wonderful tradition.
Spring E(x)PEDITIONs Return
The Oakley STEM Team is bringing back the Upper Cumberland’s favorite STEM field trips. In May 2016 we will offer eight sessions of E(x)PEDITION to educators and classrooms across the Upper Cumberland. Educators will chose from multiple hands-on, minds-on, cross- curricular activities for their classes to explore. In addition to an edutaining day away from the classroom, students will have the opportunity to observe the universe in the Virtual Theater.
Registration will begin Monday, January 11, 2016.E(x)PEDITION will start running Tuesday, May 10 – 20, 2016.
Lending Library Professional Learning Community
The Millard Oakley STEM Center is developing a new series of professional development for educators seeking to implement Lending Library equipment into their classrooms. These sessions will provide Upper Cumberland educators with the resources and community needed to incorporate these great tools into everyday classrooms. Each session will host example lessons for participants to share and practice, as well as a facilitated discussion focused on student outcomes.
We invite you to join the Lending Library Professional Learning Community every Thursday from 4:00 – 6:00 pm following Lending Library Training (every fourth Tuesday from 4:00 – 6:00 pm) .
The Lending Library PLC returns Thursday, January 28, 2016.
The Lending Library
Your source for lab equipment wherever STEM happens!
The Millard Oakley STEM Center is curating the largest catalog of classroom STEM equipment in the Upper Cumberland, and it is all available to our Lending Library Members.
Who can join the Lending Library?
Formal educators, informal educators and parents. If your aim is to help build a STEM-literate future, the Lending Library is here to help.
How do you join the Lending Library?
It’s simple: attend one of the FREE Lending Library Training Sessions held every fourth Tuesday of the month from 4 – 6 pm.
Registration Link: http://goo.gl/forms/OSAr5BTbv8
What’s next?
After you finish Lending Library Training, you will have access to thousands of classroom instructional aids for two-week lending periods, or extended periods upon request. Plus, you’ll get access to Lending Library PLC, where each month we explore a new item from the Lending Library, and explore its benefit as an instructional aid.
If you would like a guest preview access to the Lending Library contact the Oakley STEM Team, 931-372-6573, stem@tntech.edu.