Power of Putnam Presents Sticker Shock

Brittany Lynch, Journalist


PUTNAM COUNTY, T.N., — Local high school ambassadors with Power of Putnam went to several alcohol retailers to promote their Sticker Shock campaign.

Prom season is rapidly approaching and this month’s message from Power of Putnam, the county’s anit-drug coalition, is about the Safe PROMise. PROMise is for students to promise that they will have a safe prom by pledging that they will not partake in illegal drinking of alcohol. Parents are also encouraged to take the Safe PROMise by pledging that they will be safe hosts for prom season and not give minors alcohol.

To promote the PROMise message, Power of Putnam Youth Thrive Ambassadors and alcohol retailers partnered together to complete the Sticker Shock campaign. What this campaign does is send a message  for adults and youth to know it is illegal to provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21 or for a minor to use a fake ID or purchase alcohol.

Ambassadors placed stickers in retail stores that sell alcohol in the stores so that all can see the message.


The list of retailers who participated are:

T-Mart on Washington

Crown Wine and Spirit

Bread Box

Happy Hour

Shell’s corner of Willow and Spring St.

Beverly Hill Market

If a local retail store would like to partner with Power of Putnam to conduct sticker shock  or to receive information on proper ID checking classes please contact Jennifer Matthews, Assistant Director for Power of Putnam at jennifer@powerofputnam.org