ATMS Basketball


ATMS Basketball vs PSMS

Avery Trace Middle School Sweeps Prescott South Middle School Highlights December 4, 2017 Photos by Lynn Dawson [WPS_photo_slider id=”1689″]  

ATMS 7/8th Grades Basketball vs PSMS

Avery Trace Middle School 7th and 8th Grade teams versus Prescott South Middle School PSMS wins 7th grade girls game while ATMS takes other three…

PSMS Basketball vs ATMS

Prescott Middle School 8th Grade Teams Win Close Games Against Avery Trace Middle School The 8th grade girls game score was 25-21 and the boys 8th grade score…

PSMS 5/6 Basketball vs ATMS

Prescott South Middle School 5th-6th Grade Basketball Hosts Avery Trace Middle School Highlights September 20, 2016 Photos by Lynn Dawson [WPS_photo_slider id = “404”]