Upperman High Trumpeter to compete in Nationals
Congratulations and Good Luck from UCReporter
Congratulations and Good Luck from UCReporter
The band performed at the Sequatchie Valley Marching Invitational this past weekend. The received Superior Ratings in Band…
Fine tuning this year’s routine at band camp. Highlights July 21, 2017 [WPS_photo_slider id=”1332″]
Practice Makes Perfect! UHS Marching Band learning all the moves in the HEAT during Band Camp. Check out the highlights. July 11, 2017 [WPS_photo_slider id=”1321″]
Avery Trace Middle School Band Performance May 1, 2017 Highlights Photos by Morgan Asbton [WPS_photo_slider id=”1160″]
Highlights of two Award Winning Bands Upperman High School and Dekalb County October 21, 2016 [WPS_photo_slider id=”508″]
White County High School Band engages in Upper Cumberland Marching Band Exhibition hosted by Upperman High School Highlights September 3, 2016 [WPS_photo_slider id=”325″]
Cookeville High School Marching Band recently joined in with other surrounding high schools to attend the Upper Cumberland Marching Band Exhibition hosted by UHS. Highlights…
Upperman High School hosted the Upper Cumberland High School Marching Band Exhibition Highlights September 3, 2016 [WPS_photo_slider id=”323″]
Algood Middle School Band & Chorus Spring Concert Highlights May 10, 2016 [WPS_photo_slider id=”125″]