Breaking Sports News UHS
Bowling Star, Wesley Estep, signs with Bethel University to continue his education and keep knocking down those pins! Highlights November 17, 2017 [WPS_photo_slider id=”1659″]
Bowling Star, Wesley Estep, signs with Bethel University to continue his education and keep knocking down those pins! Highlights November 17, 2017 [WPS_photo_slider id=”1659″]
November 7, 2017 Highlights of Upperman High and White County bowling at Bowling World Photos by Annalee Stafford [WPS_photo_slider id=”1628″]
Upperman High School bowling team traveled to Bowling World on Monday, November 6, 2017, to participate against schools from Stone Memorial, Cumberland County and White…
Upperman High Bowling Highlights January 11, 2017 Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”733″]
Knocking down those pins, picking up the spares and ringing up those strikes at Bowling World Jackson County High School and White County High School…
Jackson County High School vs Upperman High School Bowling Highlights December 7, 2016 Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”659″]
Highlights of last weeks Bowling Games between Jackson County, Stone Memorial and Upperman High Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”603″]
Highlights November 2, 2016 Jackson County High School Bowling team vs Upperman High School Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”565″]
Upperman High School Bowling vs Jackson County Highlights November 2, 2016 Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”540″]
Check out all the strikes and spares on the lanes at Bowling World as Jackson County High School and White County High School hit the…