Upperman Middle School News


Upperman Schools Combine for A Spring Concert

Upperman High School, Upperman Middle School, Cornerstone, and Baxter Primary Chorus present “A Spring Concert” Highlights May 3, 2018 Photos by Lynn Dawson [WPS_photo_slider id=”2057″]


Festival of Movement

TTU hosts Festival of Movement which showcases the movement and physical education skills of Putnam County elementary and middle school students. Highlights April 19, 2018…

UMS Chorus Concert

Check out the talented students as Upperman Middle School delivers an outstanding Christmas presentation. Highlights December 7, 2017 Photos by Brittany Lynch [WPS_photo_slider id=”1700″]


UMS Veterans Day Program

Upperman Middle School students, staff and faculty presented a program today, November 9, 2017, honoring our Veterans. The presentation of the colors, songs by 6th…