Power of Putnam is Teaming Up with DEA, Law Enforcement, Both Walgreens and CVS for an RX Take Back. Saturday, October 22, 2016.
According to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.5 million Americans abuse controlled prescription drugs. The same study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including the home medicine cabinet.
Putnam Co residents can take the important step of cleaning out their medicine cabinets and night stands to make their home safer from prescription drug abusers or even theft. Take backs like this not only helps raise awareness but, also offers a safe and anonymous way to properly dispose of unused or expired medications.
Anyone can bring unused or expired medication to the take backs sites this Saturday from 10-2 Both Walgreens locations and CVS on 10th with no questions asked.
We can not take any needles, syringes, or aerosol cans. We will also have a giveaway prize worth $100.00.