Rocky Point Road Bridge Closures

We have a local TDOT bridge repair project over I-40 on Rocky Point Road in Monterey.

I wanted to let everyone know we are targeting January 30, 2019 to close Rocky Point Road at LM 10.08, this is bridge number (2) and closest to Monterey.

This bridge will remain closed until approximately the first of June at which point bridge (1) at LM 9.31 will be closed for approximately (2) months.

So just to recap and clarification, bridge (2) will close January 30, 2019 and reopen June 6, 2019. Bridge (1) will close June 6, 2019 and reopen August 31, 2019.

A detour will be in place to guide motorist around each bridge closure and I have attached a plan sheet showing this.

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Also, should you notice anyone I may have failed to send this to please pass this information along or contact me so I can.

Please make plans accordingly.

Kevin Ray, P.E.

Mid-State Construction Co.,Inc.

C- 931-265-0655
