York Sports


UMS Basketball vs SFES

Upperman Middle School hosted the Buffaloes from South Fentress Elementary School on October 30, 2017 The Lady Yellow Jackets dominate the Lady Buffaloes with a …


PSMS Football vs FCMS

Bulldogs and Fentress County Middle School battle it out on the gird iron Highlights September 14, 2017 Photos by  Gracie Hudson [WPS_photo_slider id=”1505″]


MHS Golf vs UHS and York at Cumberland Cove

Monterey High School, Upperman High School, and York Institute Golf compete at Cumberland Cove Golf Course. Highlights August 15, 2017 Photos by Melissa Shelton [WPS_photo_slider…


CHS Football Getting Down to Business

Cookeville High School ,along with Lebanon High and York Institute, are getting down to business working on all phases of the game. Highlights July 27,…


12Under State Baseball Tournament

Teams from Crossville, Mt. Juliet, Hendersonville, Celina, Lawrenceburgh and Jamestown competed for top honors — Check out the action. [WPS_photo_slider id=”1307″]


10 Under District Tournament Cal Ripken

Centennial Park in Crossville, TN was the setting for the 10 Under District Cal Ripken Tournament Highlights and Action Shots of Teams from Livingston, Crossville…