Jackson County Sports


JCMS Basketball vs Dodson Branch

Highlights December 1, 2016 Jackson County Middle School vs Dodson Branch Basketball Photos by Jade Kirby [WPS_photo_slider id=”627″]


High School Bowling Strikes Again

Highlights of last weeks Bowling Games between Jackson County, Stone Memorial and Upperman High Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”603″]


Close Win for CHS in Jackson County

A close win for both the Cavaliers and the Lady Cavaliers. Up next CHS will travel to Woodbury on Friday to begin the Cannon County…


JCHS Basketball vs Macon County

Highlights of Jackson County High School vs Macon County High JCHS Boys take the win over MCHS MCHS Girls win over JCHS November 18, 2016…

TSSAA Region/District Alignments Now Available

The 2017-2021 Division I and Division II District & Region alignments have been placed on the TSSAA website.  This information can be accessed at http://tssaa.org/2017-2021-district-region-alignments/…


JCHS Bowling vs UHS

Highlights November 2, 2016 Jackson County High School Bowling team vs Upperman High School Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”565″]


JCMS Girls Basketball vs TMS

Jackson County Girls Basketball team tipped off the game versus Trousdale Middle School Highlights November 3, 2016 Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”564″]