UMS Sports


UMS Volleyball vs PSMS

Match-up between the Lady Jackets, Upperman Midldle School, and the Lady Bulldogs, Prescott South Middle School, was a nail bitter. Lots of action Highlights August…


Lady Jackets Volleyball vs Lady Jr Cats

Upperman Middle School Lady Jackets take on the Jr Cats of Overton County Lots of great action! Highlights August 14, 2017 Photos by Loren Alcorn…


UMS Soccer and Softball 8th Grade Night

Upperman Middle School Sports Teams Share 8th Grade Recognition Soccer and Softball team members were honored at their perspective game Highlights [WPS_photo_slider id=”1227″]


PSMS Wins Tournament

Prescott South Middle School Baseball defeats Upperman Middle, both varsity and junior varsity to take home  the trophy. PSMS had NO LOSES in the tournament!…


PSMS Baseball vs UMS

Prescott South Middle School vs UMS in Algood Middle School Baseball Tournament PSMS    5 UMS     1 Highlight April 29, 2017 Photos by Tonya Smith [WPS_photo_slider…


UMS JV Baseball vs Smith County JV

Upperman Middle School Junior Varsity vs Smith County Middle School Highlights April 28, 2017 Photos by Jimmy Stanton [WPS_photo_slider id=”1169″]


UMS Baseball vs DeKalb West

Highlight from Upperman Middle School and DeKalb West Baseball April 25, 2017 Photos by Jimmy Stanton [WPS_photo_slider id=”1133″]  


UMS Baseball vs PSMS

Upperman Middle School Baseball vs Prescott South Middle School Highlights April 21, 2017 Photos by Jimmy Stanton [WPS_photo_slider id=”1114″]