Middle TN Youth Football


Middle TN Youth Football Conference West Jamboree

Highlights of Seniors, Juniors and Pee Wee teams fine tune for regular season. Teams are from Baxter, Cookeville, Gordonsville, Carthage, Sparta, Smith County, White County and DeKalb County.

Seniors Scores:                            Juniors Scores:                             PeeWee Scores:

Cookeville   7                              Cookeville   14                                  Upperman   6

Upperman  0                              Upperman   0                                   Cookeville  0


Gordonsville   6                          Gordonsville   12                              Cookeville   6

Smith Co.        0                           Smith Co.         0                               Smith Co.    0


White Co.    13                             White Co.    0                                    DeKalb     14

DeKalb Co.   0                             DeKalb Co.  0                                   White Co.   0

Stats by Kristi Sweat Allen

Highlights August 5, 2017

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