Baxter News

Cookeville Senior Center Events

Music, Dance and Happy Times Cookeville Senior Center invites you to come have a great time! Kenny Hurst and the Hired Guns from Maryville are…

Bank of Putnam County Sponsors Habitat Home

Photo: Left to right are Dustin Pettit holding daughter Sophie, Kim Watson, Michael Buckner,    Miranda Davis, Barbara Swack,  Holly Ledbetter,  Shannon Padgett, Elizabeth Fournet, Shelby…

UC Reporter Feature: Sports Round-Up

Upper Cumberland Reporter is now featuring  our “Sports Round-Up.” It will give a listing of the home games for the sports events for that particular…


Jake’s Day 2016

Jake’s Day held at Mustard Seed Ranch Highlights August 19, 2016 [WPS_photo_slider id=”272″]