
Upperman Middle School Art Teacher Awarded 2021 Tennessee Art Educator Of The Year

The Putnam County School System is pleased to announce that Janis Nunnally, Visual Art Educator at Upperman Middle School, has been awarded the 2021 Tennessee Art Educator of the Year by the Tennessee Art Education Association as well as being elected to serve as the Middle Level Director on the National Art Education Association Board of Director.


Baxter Youth Basketball

Baxter Youth Basketball Highlights February 10, 2018 [WPS_photo_slider id=”1833″]

Baxter Primary Honor Roll 2nd Nine-Weeks

Baxter Primary School recognizes students for achievements during the second nine-weeks of study. Congratulations to all of you!  All G’s Left to Right Front Kaden…

Baxter Youth Baseball 5/16

May 16, 2017 Baxter Youth Baseball Photos by Loren Alcorn [WPS_photo_slider id=”1253″]


Baxter Youth League 5/15

Highlights May 15, 2017 Baxter Youth League Photos by Loren Alcorn [WPS_photo_slider id=”1232″]