Jackson County Middle School Sports


JCMS Basketball vs SCMS

Jackson County Middle School vs Smith County Middle School Basketball Both Junior Varsity and Varsity Games Let the Celebrations Begin! 8th Grade Cheerleaders and Players…


JCMS Basketball vs Dodson Branch

Highlights December 1, 2016 Jackson County Middle School vs Dodson Branch Basketball Photos by Jade Kirby [WPS_photo_slider id=”627″]


JCMS Girls Basketball vs TMS

Jackson County Girls Basketball team tipped off the game versus Trousdale Middle School Highlights November 3, 2016 Photos by Jacob Dodd [WPS_photo_slider id=”564″]


PSMS vs Jackson County basketball

Prescott South Middle School basketball vs Jackson County Middle School Basketball Pink out game Photos by Tonya Smith Highlights October 27, 2016  [WPS_photo_slider id=”519″]


JCMS Basketball vs RBS

Jackson County Middle School Basketball vs Red Boiling Springs JCMS Sweep the Bulldogs from RBS Highlights October 24, 2016 [WPS_photo_slider id=”511″]