

UHS Lacrosse vs Clarksville

Upperman High School Lacrosse vs Clarksville March 8, 2018 Photos by Jimmy Stanton [WPS_photo_slider id=”1902″]


UHS Lacrosse vs CHS

Great Rivalry, Big Battle between the Black/Gold and Red/Blue as the Cavs Spoil the Bees Senior Night with a win Highlights April 28, 2017 Photos…


CHS Breaking Sports News 3 Athletes Signing

CHS Athletes Sign for College Play Friends, family, teammates and coaches gather to witness the signings of three athletes at Cookeville High School Highlights April…


CHS Girls Lacrosse vs Page

Cookeville High School Girls Lacrosse vs Page Celebrating Senior Night Lady Cavs put up a great effort but fall to Page Highlights April 26, 2017…


UHS Lacrosse vs Page

Great Effort in a tough hard fought match UHS  vs Page Lacrosse Highlights March 31, 2017 Photos by Jimmy Stanton and UC Reporter [WPS_photo_slider id=”1024″]


UHS Boys Lacrosse vs Farragut

The Bees take one on the chin as they fall to FHS Highlights March 9, 2017 Photos by UCR and Jimmy Stanton [WPS_photo_slider id=”926″]

CHS Lacrosse Downs UHS

Cookeville Cavs Lacrosse Downs Upperman Bees on Senior Night. Highlights April 29, 2016 [WPS_photo_slider id=”82″]  

CHS Girls LAX vs Webb School

April 21, 2016 Highlights Cookeville High School Girls Lacrosse vs Webb School [WPS_photo_slider id=”27″]

Lady Cavs Lacrosse vs Farragut

CHS Lady Cavaliers Lacrosse vs Farragut April 14, 2016 Photos by Melissa Shelton [tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”1166″]

UHS Lacrosse vs Metro

Upperman High School vs Metro Lacrosse April 12, 2016 Photos by Melissa Shelton [tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”1151″]